
Family and Medical Leave Act

The FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered
employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for
specified family and medical reasons with
continuation of group health insurance coverage
under the same terms and conditions as if the
employee had not taken leave.

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April 19th / May 3rd, 10th, 17th workshops

Want to bring some energy to your union and turn the tables on management? Want to get together with other workers to learn how to build stronger unions?

Make a commitment build more power at work, and join our organizing series to talk about how to rekindle the flame of rank-and-file militancy.

Click here to download the flyer

Steward Training Workshop

This training discusses topics such as the grievance process, procedures and the stewards role in handling the grievance process. The traininng will explain how to investige and resolve issues surrounding the grievance process.

Download the Training (PDF Format)